Should You Offer Bilingual Administrative Communication?

In today’s global and diverse business landscape, communicating effectively in more than one language has become necessary. Let’s delve into the concept of bilingual administrative communication services. This proficiency breaks down barriers, enhances accurate and empathetic customer service, and drives efficiency within business administrative tasks. Stay tuned as we uncover the nuances of this critical intersection between language and business.

The Need for Bilingual Administrative Communication

  • Growing Spanish-speaking population in the US. In the United States, around 20% of adults speak a language other than English at home. Among this group, nearly half have Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and report speaking English less than very well. Spanish and Chinese are the most commonly spoken preferred languages for those with LEP, although other languages used. We are going to concentrate on the requirements of Spanish-speaking individuals with limited English proficiency, as this is a growing group in the US and has increased by 6% since the year 2000.
  • Quality of service. Poor-quality communication between customers with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and service providers leads to decreased product or service adoption and diminished customer satisfaction, resulting in less consumer-centered service and negative customer experiences. It is essential to bridge the language barrier in business to avoid service errors, provide culturally competent and customer-centered service. By prioritizing effective communication and language access services, businesses can enhance service quality and improve outcomes for customers with LEP.
  • Legal Requirements. Title VI of the US Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on national origin, race, or color. This protection has been extended to include primary language by the US Office for Civil Rights. Businesses that receive federal funds are required to provide services in a language that customers with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) can understand. Most businesses use an interpreter or a call-in translation service for their needs, but most do not have a solution for bilingual administrative communication.

The Result of Bilingual  Administrative Communication

  • Increased appointment scheduling. A reliable administrative communication service can increase appointment scheduling efficiency and accuracy while improving the customer experience. Language barriers or unavailability of a customer’s preferred language can result in delays in service. When an LEP customer calls and can speak directly to a Spanish-speaking person for product inquiries, appointment scheduling, or customer service, the call is faster and more pleasant.
  • Greater customer satisfaction with service. A bilingual communication service can help promote greater customer satisfaction with service. This type of service allows for clear communication between the provider and the customer, which leads to better understanding and improved outcomes. Studies have shown that customers who receive services in their own language report higher levels of satisfaction with their overall service experience. Providing access to language services helps reduce language barriers and ensures that customers can better comprehend their service and make informed decisions.

The Path to Bilingual Administrative Communication

  • Research your area’s need for bilingual administrative communication. The first step in providing bilingual administrative communication is to determine the need for such services in your area. This can be done by obtaining demographic data from your local government, surveying businesses and customers, or conducting focus groups with members of the community. Understanding the language needs of the population you serve will allow you to tailor your service offerings better and provide a better customer experience.
  • Hire and staff accordingly. Once you have identified the language needs of your community, the next step is to hire and staff appropriately. Hire individuals with experience in your industry or those who are certified business interpreters. It’s fairly easy to find qualified bilingual staff if you live in a metropolitan area. However, in suburban or rural areas, you cannot likely get bilingual business administrative staff on every shift, if any. Looking into other options may be the solution.
  • Partner with a bilingual business answering service. Implementing a business answering service is important to ensure that all calls from customers with limited English proficiency are answered promptly and accurately. This type of service provides an experienced staff of bilingual professionals trained in business terminology and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access to this resource will help improve the quality of service and increase customer satisfaction.

At Call Center Sales Pro we understand the necessity and importance of having bilingual administrative communication. That’s why our answering services focus on multicultural businesses. We offer top-notch bilingual assistance, 24/7 availability, and cutting-edge technology to ensure seamless communication in English and Spanish. Our team is equipped with cultural competency training, legal knowledge, and customer-centered practices to provide the best customer experience possible. Contact us for more information.